Server Rates

ARK Ascended Rates

ARK Evolved Rates

  • 5x Taming
  • 3x Harvesting
  • 20x Breeding
  • 3x Drops and custom drops (Kibble,wyvern milk,nameless venom, armor etc)
  • 1k-10k Item stack rate depending on resource
  • Max wild dino level is 200 (No dino level cap for server breeding)
  • Obelisk decay time = 30days
  • Structer decay time = 12d thatch, 24d wood, 24d adobe, 36d stone, 48d metal, 60d tek
  • Plugins:
  • All Engrams
  • Dino Utilities
  • Enhanced HLNA
  • Item Collector
  • Structure Utilities

Palworld Rates

  • 5x Catch rate
  • 5x XP
  • Difficulty=None (No drops lost on death)
  • PalStomachDecreaceRate=0.8
  • PalAutoHPRegeneRate=2.0
  • PalStaminaDecreaceRate=0.5
  • WorkSpeedRate=5.0
  • AutoResetGuildTimeNoOnlinePlayers=0 (No server wipes for now. Join discord for any news on wiping of servers)

Shop Commands




Tier Level


Argentavis 500 Free /buy argent
Tropical Crystal Wyvern 2,000 Free /buy crystalt
Blood Crystal Wyvern 2,000 Free /buy crystalb
Ember Crystal Wyvern 2,000 Free /buy crystale
Aberrant Dodo 100 Free /buy dodo
Desmodus 1,500 Free /buy desmo
Dimorphodon 500 Free /buy dimo
Ab-Dimorpho 500 Gold,Platinum /buy abdimo
Featherlight 750 Gold,Platinum /buy feather
Glowtail 750 Gold,Platinum /buy glowt
Bulbdog 750 Free /buy bulb
Fjordhawk 850 Gold,Platinum /buy fjord
Gasbags 950 Free /buy gasb
R-Gasbags 950 Gold,Platinum /buy rgasb
Griffin 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy griffin
Lymantria 700 Free /buy lyman
Pelagornis 650 Free /buy pela
Phoenix 5,500 Platinum /buy phoenix
Pteranodon 500 Free /buy pt
Quetzal 2,500 Free /buy quetz
R-Quetzal 2,000 Gold,Platinum /buy rquetz
Tek Quetzal 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy tekquetz
Rhyniognatha 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy rhynio
Sinomacrops 750 Gold,Platinum /buy sino
Snow Owl 800 Gold,Platinum /buy snow
R-Snow Owl 800 Gold,Platinum /buy rsnow
Tapejara 600 Free /buy tape
Tropeognathus 900 Gold,Platinum /buy trope
Voidwyrm 7000 Platinum /buy voidw
Vulture 600 Free /buy vult
Lightning Wyvern 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy lightw
Fire Wyvern 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy firew
Poison Wyvern 2,500 Free /buy poisw
Andrewsarchus 3,500 Gold,Platinum /buy andrew
Aberrant Angler 750 Gold,Platinum /buy angler
Baryonyx 850 Free /buy bary
Ab Baryonyx 800 Gold,Platinum /buy abbary
Basilosaurus 2,000 Free /buy basil
X-Basilo 2,000 Gold,Platinum /buy xbasil
Castoroides 900 Free /buy beaver
Diplocaulus 700 Free /buy diploc
Dunkleosteus 1200 Free /buy dunk
X-Dunkleosteus 1,100 Gold,Platinum /buy xdunk
Hesperonis 800 Free /buy hesp
Ichthyosaurus 950 Free /buy dolphin
X-Ichthyo 950 Gold,Platinum /buy xdolphin
Liopleuodon 1,500 Platinum /buy liop
Megachelon 1,700 Gold,Platinum /buy megach
Megalodon 850 Free /buy shark
X-Megalodon 850 Gold,Platinum /buy xshark
Mosasaurus 5,000 Free /buy mosa
X-Mosasaurus 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy xmosa
Otter 950 Free /buy otter
X-Otter 900 Gold,Platinum /buy xotter
Ab Otter 900 Gold,Platinum /buy abotter
Plesiosaur 1,500 Gold,Platinum /buy plesio
Sarco 700 Free /buy sarco
Tusoteuthis 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy tuso
Achatina 750 Free /buy snail
Ab Achatina 700 Gold,Platinum /buy absnail
Allosaurus 1,100 Free /buy allo
X-Allosaurus 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy xallo
Amargasaurus 1,200 Gold,Platinum /buy amarg
Ankylosaurus 900 Free /buy anky
X-Ankylo 900 Gold,Platinum /buy xanky
Ab Ankylo 900 Gold,Platinum /buy abanky
Basilisk 1,500 Gold,Platinum /buy basilisk
Beelzebufo 800 Free /buy frog
Ab Beelzebufo 800 Gold,Platinum /buy abfrog
Bloodstalker 700 Gold,Platinum /buy bloodst
Brontosaurus 1000 Free /buy bronto
R-Brontosaurus 950 Gold,Platinum /buy rbronto
Carbonemys 500 Free /buy carbo
Ab-Carbonemys 500 Gold,Platinum /buy abcarbo
R-Carbonemys 500 Gold,Platinum /buy rcarbo
Carchar 5,000 Free /buy carc
Ab-Carnotaurus 600 Free /buy carno
R-Carnotaurus 600 Gold,Platinum /buy rcarno
Chalicotherium 700 Free /buy chalico
Daeodon 850 Free /buy daeo
R-Daeodon 850 Gold,Platinum /buy rdaeo
Deinoychus 950 Gold,Platinum /buy deinoy
Dimetrodon 800 Free /buy dimet
Ab-Dimetrodon 800 Gold,Platinum /buy abdimet
Dinopithecus 950 Gold,Platinum /buy dinop
Direbear 1,000 Free /buy direb
Aberrant Direbear 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy direab
Direwolf 700 Free /buy direw
R-Direwolf 700 Gold,Platinum /buy rdirew
Doedicurus 850 Free /buy doed
Ab Doedicurus 800 Gold,Platinum /buy abdoe
AB Dung Beetle 450 Free /buy dung
Equus 700 Free /buy equus
Ab-Equus 700 Gold,Platinum /buy abequus
R-Equus 700 Gold,Platinum /buy requus
Ferox 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy ferox
Gacha 1,500 Free /buy gacha
Gigantopithecus 950 Gold,Platinum /buy giga
R-Giganotosaurus 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy rgiga
Giganotosaurus 5,000 Free /buy giga
Hyaenodon 3,500 Free /buy hyaen
Iguanodon 850 Free /buy iggy
Jerboa 450 Free /buy jerb
Kairuku 450 Free /buy kair
Kaprosuchus 800 Free /buy kapro
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Kentrosaurus 950 Free /buy kentro
Maewing 1,000 Free /buy maewing
Magmasaur 3,500 Gold,Platinum /buy magma
Mammoth 950 Free /buy mammo
Managarmr 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy mana
Mantis 2,000 Gold,Platinum /buy mantis
Megalania 1,000 Free /buy megalania
Ab Maglosaurus 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy megalo
Mek 5,000 Platinum /buy mek
Megatherium 1,200 Free /buy megath
R-Megatherium 1,200 Gold,Platinum /buy rmegath
Morellatops 950 Free /buy morella
Moschops 1,000 Free /buy mosch
Oviraptor 900 Free /buy ovir
Ovis 900 Free /buy ovis
Ab Ovis 900 Gold,Platinum /buy abovis
Parasaur 800 Free /buy paras
R-Parasaur 800 Gold,Platinum /buy rpara
X-Parasaur 800 Gold,Platinum /buy xpara
Ab Parasaur 800 Gold,Platinum  /buy abpara
Tek Parasaur 1,000 Gold,Platinum  /buy tekpara
Phiomia 450 Free /buy phioma
Procoptodon 950 Free /buy kangaroo
R-Procoptodon 950 Gold,Platinum /buy rkang
Purlovia 900 Free /buy purlo
Ab Purlovia 850 Gold,Platinum /buy abpurlo
Raptor 800 Free /buy rap
X-Raptor 900 Gold,Platinum /buy xrap
Ab Raptor 900 Gold,Platinum /buy abrap
Tek Raptor 900 Gold,Platinum /buy tekrap
Ravager 1,200 Free /buy ravag
Reaper 7500 Gold,Platinum /buy reaper
R-Reaper 8000 Gold,Platinum /buy rreaper
Rex 4,500 Free /buy rex
Tek Rex 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy tekrex
X-Rex 5,500 Gold,Platinum /buy xrex
Rock Drake 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy drake
Rock Elemental 5000 Gold,Platinum /buy rocke
X-Rock Elemental 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy xrocke
Snow Elemental 5,000 Gold,Platinum /buy srocke
Roll Rat 950 Free /buy rollr
Sabertooth 850 Free /buy saber
X-Sabertooth 850 Gold,Platinum /buy xsaber
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Spinosaurus 5,000 Free /buy spino
Ab Spino 7,000 Gold,Platinum /buy abspino
X-Spino 7,500 Gold,Platinum /buy xspino
Stegosaurus 950 Free /buy stego
Ab Stegosaurus 900 Gold,Platinum /buy abstego
Tek Stego 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy teks
Tek Stryder 10,000 Gold,Platinum /buy stryder
Therizino 1,500 Free /buy theri
Thorny Dragon 1,000 Free /buy thorny
Thylacoleo 2,500 Free /buy thyla
R-Thylacoleo 2,500 Gold,Platinum /buy rthyla
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X-Triceratops 900 Gold,Platinum /buy xtrike
Troodon 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy troodon
Unicorn 9,500 Platinum /buy unicorn
Velonosaur 1,200 Free /buy velono
R-Velonosaur 1,200 Gold,Platinum /buy rvelo
Rhino 1,100 Free /buy rhino
X-Rhino 1,000 Gold,Platinum /buy xrhino
Yutyrannus 1,800 Free /buy yuty
X-Yutyrannus 1,500 Gold,Platinum /buy xyuty




Dino Change Gender 100 /cg
Shop 0 /shop
Points 0 /points shows your points
Dino Claim Babies 0 /claimbabies
Get body on death 20 /getbody 1
Show bodies on death 0 /bodies
Dino Fastpod Range 0 /pods example: /pods giga
Dino Fastpod Single 0 /pod
Dino Imprint 100 /imprint (imprints Dino to 100%)
Dino Kill 0 /dkill (kills dino you are looking at)
Dino No Mate 0 /nomatedinos (disables mating in area)
Dino Rename Range 0 /renamedinos
Dino Wake 0 /wake

Item Collector: (When looking at a vault or fridge use the following commands below)



Oil Collector /collectoil will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting oil from Tusoteuthis and Basilosaurus in the area.
Pheonix Pearl Collector /collectpearls will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Pheonix pearls in the area.
Achatina Paste Collector /collectpaste will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Paste in the area.
Achatina Organic Polymer Collector /collectpoly will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Achatina Organic Polymer in the area and convert it to regular Polymer.
Crystal Collector /collectcrystals will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting Gacha crystals in the area.
Fertilized Egg Collector /collecteggsfert will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting fertilized eggs in the area.
Egg Collector /collecteggs will force the refrigerator or preserving bin you are looking at to start collecting dropped eggs in the area.
Poop Collector /collectpoop will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting poop in the area.
Pellet Collector /collectpellets will force the Storage Box or Vault you are looking at to start collecting owl pellets in the area. 



Adipiscing magna sed dolor elit. Praesent eleifend dignissim arcu, at eleifend sapien imperdiet ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent urna nisi, fringila lorem et vehicula lacinia quam. Integer sollicitudin mauris nec lorem luctus ultrices.

Nullam et orci eu lorem consequat tincidunt vivamus et sagittis libero. Mauris aliquet magna magna sed nunc rhoncus pharetra. Pellentesque condimentum sem. In efficitur ligula tate urna. Maecenas laoreet massa vel lacinia pellentesque lorem ipsum dolor. Nullam et orci eu lorem consequat tincidunt. Vivamus et sagittis libero. Mauris aliquet magna magna sed nunc rhoncus amet feugiat tempus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur et adipiscing elit. Praesent eleifend dignissim arcu, at eleifend sapien imperdiet ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent urna nisi, fringila lorem et vehicula lacinia quam. Integer sollicitudin mauris nec lorem luctus ultrices. Aliquam libero et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras viverra ligula sit amet ex mollis mattis lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Server List


1. First, launch Palworld and click "Join multiplayer game"
2. Then, in the field beneath the server list, enter in the server address.
3. Lastly, select the Connect button.

ARK Ascended Servers

1. First, launch Ark Survival Ascended and click "join game" via the main menu.
2. Click the "unofficial" text at the top.
3. Confirm you have the "show player servers" box checked as shown below.
4. Search the keyword "techy" and press the "enter" key twice.

ARK Survival Evolved

1. First, launch Ark Survival Evolved and click "join game" via the main menu.
2. Click the "unofficial" tab at the bottom.
3. Search the keyword "techy" and search.


Please send any incidents to my email or contact me on our discord username:TechyANT